Springmount Services Pty Ltd

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2023 Employee Wellbeing Survey Results

The results of the 2023 employee wellbeing survey, and an overview of the findings.

In this blog post you will find the results of the 2023 Springmount Services Employee Wellbeing survey.


Reliably measuring and monitoring wellbeing across our staff, over time, is of utmost importance to us at Springmount as it allows us to target investment on key areas within the company, and ensure that our programs, services, and policies are having their desired effect in advancing the physical, psychological, and social health of Springmounts employees, and the economic prosperity of the company. This survey was undertaken to inform and direct the initiatives of the We Care: Wellbeing program. And to provide Springmount with follow-up measures of our employees mental, physical and social wellbeing which can be used to inform on the success of the program over time as further surveys are conducted.

The Springmount Services Employee Wellbeing survey opened for employee responses in June 2023 via email and closed in October 2023.

During that period, the survey was taken by 402 employees, of which there were 255 complete responses. The 255 complete responses represent approximately 15% of Springmount’s employee base.

Survey respondents were from 6 states and were diverse in gender and age range. Importantly, we received responses from several of our employees who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Persons.  


Mental Wellbeing – Measures of mental wellbeing were generally rated as above average and indicate that most of our workforce are experiencing moderate levels of mental wellbeing.



Physical Wellbeing – Measures of physical wellbeing were generally rated as above average and indicate that most of our workforce are experiencing moderate levels of physical wellbeing.


Social Wellbeing – Measures of social wellbeing indicated that most of our workforce is experiencing low to moderate levels of social connectedness.


Initial analyses of the survey results suggest that measures of physical wellbeing were generally rated as above average, whereas measures of mental wellbeing indicate that most of our workforce are experiencing average to moderate levels of wellbeing. However, similar to the result of the 2022 survey measures of social wellbeing indicated that most of our workforce is experiencing lower levels of social connectedness.


The results of the Springmount Services Employee Wellbeing Survey will direct and guide the events and resources we offer as part of the We Care: Wellbeing program.
Thank you again to all who responded to the survey this year. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us and we appreciate the time and effort you put in to giving thoughtful responses.
If you have further thoughts or comments please feel free to email wellbeing@springmountservices.com.au



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