Springmount Services Pty Ltd

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Clean Up Australia Day 2023

Springmount is excited to participate in this year’s Clean Up Australia Day!



Springmount is excited to participate in this year’s Clean Up Australia Day! 

Our Head Office team is getting together to clean up Springwood Park on the 3rd of March. 

The official Clean Up Australia Day happens on the 5th of March, and everyone can participate! You can join a clean-up event near you or create your event by following this link! 


Clean Up Australia is an Australian charity that inspires communities to clean and conserve the environment. They focus on preventing rubbish from entering our environment and removing what has already accumulated. Over the past 12 months, the charity has gathered 943,443 volunteers and cleaned 12,474 sites in Australia.

One of the most significant issues to our environment is single-use plastics. The Australian Government reported that Australia consumes one million tonnes of single-use plastic annually. Of that, 84% is sent to landfill, and only 13% is recycled. It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastics in the ocean than fish.[1]

The most littered plastic item in the world is cigarette butts. Out of the 24 billion cigarettes sold in Australia, 8 billion are littered.[2] These toxic items contain filters made from non-biodegradable plastic and chemicals that are acutely toxic to species, leading to long-term ecosystem damage.

Some states in Australia have a hotline or website to report littering and illegal dumping. Check out the link for each state and report littering to help send the message that this behaviour is unacceptable! (click on the link for each state QLD, NSW, VIC).

Cleaning the environment can be part of your daily life through the simple and practical action of removing rubbish and positively impacting our planet!

As part of our company wide commitment to the environment and sustainability we ask you to share your pledge with us for Clean Up Australia Day! Write your pledge down and share it with us by emailing it to wellbeing@springmountservices.com.au with the subject line #CleanUpAustralia and we will feature your pledge here on the Wellbeing portal!


[1] National Plastics Plan 2021. Commonwealth of Australia (2021). Retrieved from https://www.dcceew.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/national-plastics-plan-2021.pdf 

[2] National Plastics Plan 2021. Commonwealth of Australia (2021). Retrieved from https://www.dcceew.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/national-plastics-plan-2021.pdf

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